Quick Bio








Theme Song:

Argent Renard


Old Enough

Professional Confidence Elezen


Ishgard, The Brume

Ul'dah, The Goblet
/ Empyreum Safe House

Good Intent - Kimbra


Argent Renard grew up in The Brume and escaped it as quickly as he could. There are too many mysteries about his actual origins, however. He has been all over the map and it's hard to tell where his favorite place to stay is. He has ties to the Maelstrom, though avoids Yellow Jackets whenever possible for some reason. Except when he is impersonating one, though he usually reserves that for when he has help.The entertaining elezen currently has an apartment in the Goblet, but talks about moving out. He also has some unknown place he stays in the Empyrean district of Foundation, though when and who can catch him there is as random as the wind.It seems he can't stay in one place too long.He gets mistaken for being from Gridania as well, though sometimes he has to be wearing the traditional garb from there to really confuse someone as to his true origins. Once wonders if his bloodline is originally from the Shade...He worked with a Free Company known as Balthazar's Favor for a time. While with them, his expenses were bankrolled. Now, however, he seems to be more... Freelance with benefits? He's been seen a lot in the Quicksand as always, and has left with various patrons, usually women.It's honestly hard to decipher what this being is up to at any given moment. He may not know himself.Argent is tall, tanned, and moves with a sort of grace that you would expect from a bard or a dancer. He flows with the wind, one might say, but burns with an inner fire that is rarely snuffed out. He might have a gunblade strapped to his back, a sword and focus on each hip, or sometimes magitech about his person. He regularly carries an eastern blade. Now and then recently he's been known to pick up a great sword. The shadows are his friends, after all. Argent might in fact be skilled with anything holds. Or, it might be all an act. The trick is looking like one is skilled with anything.He is lean and looks like he runs a lot. Either running from things or to things is anyone's guess. He keeps his beard meticulously trimmed and smells like cedar and oiled leather, with perhaps a hint of gunpowder on some days, and very recently, the smell of oils and spices from far off shores.He clearly prefers whiskey, as if he's not nursing a glass of it, he has a flask under his jacket that holds nothing but Three-barrels Bourbon. However, he has been seen to imbibe Blackbelly Whiskey and on rare occasions Qiqirn Firewater. Wine is a favorite, though it must be red.While the above may be his preference, he most often will just drink what his companion is drinking. In fact, some might say he's a bit of a mirroring individual. When it suits his needs, of course.Argent had a brief period where he wasn't sure what he really wanted. Then he reached the end of puberty and realized he knew exactly what he wanted and went for it. Then, much later, yet much more recently, he realized he was slightly wrong about what he wanted, so he edited it a bit. He's fairly certain he now knows exactly what he really wanted this entire time. He doesn't promise there won't be any further edits, however, down the 'anyroad.' In fact, he might be making some as you read this.


  • "The Law" may not like him

  • Criminals may have heard of him

  • A former mark would hate him

  • Need someone who can do it all?

  • Need anything smuggled/stolen?

  • Extremely flirtatious


"The most talented and interesting person Argent has ever met."
-Kestrel Vylbrand, probably

"Do not condescend me, Renard. I reckon I have fought, and won, more duels than you have bedded women. I know patience. My mistake, if there was one, was underestimating you, not impatience..."
-Faustine Bellamy

"You are a fucking mess!"
-Marlowe Morning




Post Length:



Mature, Amusing, and anything in between

Aavoids commitment, loves everything else.

Whatever works for the point or story

Whispers/Friend - Argent Renard@Balmung

Evenings on Weekdays, most Weekends

I am very easy going OOC and would always be open to setting up an ongoing plot or storyline as well as have fun in one-offs.